Welcome to Kohler

A world inspired by the bold endeavor to live your best life.

Kohler, spanning over four generations, has never failed to
seize the opportunities to design, invent, and innovate. Our
success journey has always been inspired by our value for
providing best of the quality, empowering us to expand from
a plumbing products company into a global multi-industry
player. Manufacturing high-class products is core to each of
our family businesses, and this helped us maintain a
leadership role in our industries. We are the masters of
innovation, design, craftsmanship, and technology, paving
the path for our customers towards a more gracious lifestyle.

Kohler Family
of Businesses

We’ve led the way in our industry by staying true to our values: design, well-being, innovation, inclusion, and
sustainability. Set on a firm foundation, our values have evolved to make room for new discoveries and
advancements in how we understand ourselves, one another, the world we share.

Our Mission

Our mission is to elevate the quality of life for
everyone who experiences our products and services.
We aim to inspire gracious living, defined by
elegance, refined taste, and a generous spirit. By
focusing on personal fulfillment and harmonizing with
the natural world, we strive to make every interaction
with our brand a source of joy and satisfaction.

Believing in Better®

Believing in Better is Kohler’s operating philosophy that our best
can always be better—better for the lives we touch, better for our
communities, better for our planet, and better for business.

Kohler Welcome

Better Planet

Kohler is improving its operational environmental footprint while paying uncompromised attention to designing environmentally friendly products that help its customers and consumers to reduce their own environmental impact.

Kohler Better Planet

Better Communities

Kohler seeks to make a positive impact on the lives of our associates and customers by creating inclusive and equitable communities, innovating with a social purpose, and being responsible stewards of resources.

Kohler Better Communities

Better Lives

Kohler strives to enhance the quality of life for more than 40,000 Kohler associates worldwide. We believe everyone deserves a workplace that encourages them to feel and grow a sense of value, purpose, and belonging, and we invite them to get involved.

Better Is Always Possible

Our world faces an increasing number of environmental and social challenges that can seem daunting, but at
Kohler they serve as motivation to innovate solutions and accelerate action.

Request a quote

We would love to help you choose the right products for
your space. Schedule a free consultation and a local
Kohler dealer will reach out to you.

Kohler Better Lives
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