Various factors must be considered when selecting the right toilet commode as you begin and end your day in your bathroom. The one carries a combination of aesthetics, functionality, and convenience. Toilet Commode are trending and popular again. Upgraded with the progressive intrinsic designs and frameworks, their compatibility and effectiveness have evolved to a new level.

Gone are the days when functionality was the only purpose of toilet seats. Nowadays, they are seen as toilet accessories to enhance your bathroom’s style and impression to a new level. The classification of the toilet commodes is based on their style, design, and functionality. Here are the major types to help you make an informed choice.


Such commodes are synonymous with hygiene. They are highly preferred by people who like to keep their bathroom space clean. Easy-to-clean exteriors, small-space-friendly features, and sleek designs are among the reasons to opt for one.

The installation process is faster and hassle-free for homeowners since there is no need to maneuver and secure the toilet tank and do the same for the toilet bowl separately. Kohler toilet Seat prices in Nepal are affordable, with high-end durability and advanced compatibility for even short people.

Available with soft, classic curves with a choice of quiet-close seats and a smooth side surface with no dirt traps, this toilet offers a refreshingly contemporary, clean design that can fit in any modern bathroom setting.


When people think of a toilet commode, the two-piece toilet often comes to mind. It comprises two parts: a bowl and a tank. Because of their widespread popularity, such types are offered in various styles and heights.

These toilet commodes are the oldest and most common forms of English pot seats. They bring flexibility to the table with their unique build-up to separate the tank and the bowl, allowing complete freedom to design the bath space. The two-piece version incorporates flushing & water-saving options. But two-piece toilets can be harder to clean and take up more space than one-piece toilets, but they are highly compatible with both tall and short ones.


A wall-mounted toilet is a sleek, elegant, and safe spacing option with a contemporary and clean design for your bathroom. It hides the tank usually found with a floor-mounted option. Nowadays, Wall-hung toilets have become essential to today’s technology and designs.

Wall-mounted toilets add convenience, style, and design to your bathroom, unparalleled by other designs on the market. They are known for their alluring appearance and superior design to make your bathroom stand out from the rest.

Bidet Toilets

With the advent of technology, a comprehensive range of toilet commodes combines style with substance. The latest commodes with water-saving technology and various innovative features, including heated seats, a self-cleaning function, dual flush, high-pressure flush system, and UV-sanitized wands, make them the apt choice for a superior bathroom experience.

Kohler’s Bidet toilets ensure personal cleansing and add freshness to your existing toilet. They offer a fully adjustable bidet spray wand for position and water pressure for a superior cleaning experience. It can be installed in minutes connecting to the toilet’s water supply line, and requires no electricity or batteries, reducing your water consumption and supporting environmental living.


The toilet Industry has been revolutionized by technological advancement. When selecting a western toilet commode design, you must ensure it fits well within the bathroom. Another parameter is the space between the commode seat. Toilet commodes are more than just practical use; they are meant to fit well with the decor and serve as a fantastic toilet accessory. They offer an optimum mix of luxury, style and extravagance. Kohler’s commode with its ultra-luxurious collection, makes an instant impression in your bathroom, making for a marvelous experience. In addition, Kohler Nepal value-for-money toilet Commode Prices in Nepal and noteworthy performance make them a numero uno choice.